Portfolios > FERRARI

Tipo Latino
Tipo Latino
Oil on Canvas
30" x 40"

The body of this terrific car is from the Carrozeria Vignale of Turin. Vignale's top designer was Giovanni Michelotti who tended to create exaggerated long and low body proportions. These drawings were interpreted by Vignale's metal workers into the final form. Here I emulated one of Michelotti's sketches as a background to the formal portrait.
I was really excited to do this piece for Charals. I have followed the car since I first saw it with Paul Forbes and have enjoyed being around it ever since. It is one of the few truly original old cars left. It has a nautical themed interior and a great paint scheme. A badge on the side reads "Tipo Latino". I am happy Paul sold it to Charals so I could keep an eye on it.

Collection of Charles Haagen