

I like to make things. I’ve drawn since I was a kid. Drawing turned into a way to possess or at least better understand things I didn’t have. Being able to draw well kept me out of fights. The pencil is mightier than...

By the time I got out of high school I’d made enough good drawings to be awarded three college scholarships, and went to Fullerton College, UCI and Los Angeles Art Center College of Design (fifty years later and I’m still tootin’ that horn). I’ve gone to school off and on for most of my life and studied with some fabulous artists.

A lot of my work includes some form of portraiture, even if there’s not a person in the piece. I admire traditional draftsmen and painters and try to emulate many of their techniques. Stuff I’ve made is in books and magazines, owned by some of the world’s top collectors and in four museums. Pretty cool.

I grew up around cars and motorcycles. In the mid-sixties I discovered sports car racing and have enjoyed re-creating racing scenes ever since. My main focus is Ferrari from 1947~67 and I’ve owned both vintage and modern Ferrari. I was a major participant in the Ferrari at 50 celebration and was Artist-in-Residence at the Petersen Automotive Museum in 1997. Twenty years in vintage car restoration (including multiple class wins at Pebble Beach Concours d' Elegance) gives me a mechanical intimacy and access to cars that few artists possess.

Rock ‘n Roll has played a major role in my artistic outlook. I’ve been fortunate to have access to archives of, even collaborate with, some legendary photographers in that field.

So now I’m like half a million years old and I still use painting as a way to hook up with things beyond my reach, things I want to understand or can’t fully realize. Whattaya gonna do...