Oil on Canvas
30" x 40"

This image came to mind while watching the 911 catastrophe unfold on TV. It struck me at the time that all these people were caught totally unaware, just going about their daily business when attacked. It took me a good ten years to get it on canvas, its a hard image to deal with, let alone paint. This painting felt like a way to pay tribute to their last moment, and America's last moment of unrestricted activity.
I was having lunch with Jason Parr and described the image I had in my head, how I thought it might tell the story of these blameless people and he said "paint it".
Slowly I started putting together reference pictures. Deb and I were in New York and shot images of what might be seen from the towers. There was lots of research to get the plane right and spent time in offices to get the reflections of lights in the window glass believable.
I know it's a difficult painting to look at; it was a difficult painting to do. I hope it helps show the victims perspective in some way.
Note: Over the years this has been reposted on Facebook by friends and strangers worldwide. It has been on TV and it has been said to have been painted by George Bush. I've been told it's cruel and disgusting. I've been told its a meaningful and heartfelt tribute. I'm glad to live in a place where you get to express yourself.

Collection of Jason Parr