The Fountain
The Fountain
Oil on Canvas
30" x 40"

I built this fountain for Dick and Jeanne Gladden back in the 80s. I got a call from a vacationing Jeanne saying she had bought a fountain and could I pour a slab and hook it up. Sure. Then trucks started showing up delivering these huge hand-carved stones to the front yard. I spent several days figuring out the shape, how to plumb it and light it and what the hell I was taking on. The base is about four feet tall with #4 rebar going both ways except in the center where there's two layers of rebar to hold the tremendous weight. It was a monster of engineering and I couldn't get a crane out to save me so I figured out a way to install the giant center bowls by hand using only ramps. It's my equivalent of building the pyramids. At night it looks like it is spitting chrome.

Collection of Dick and Barbara Gladden